How do I get my certificate?
Login to our site (UWCNE.ORG), go to your Account, and click the My Activities There you will see a list of your completed activities. Click the Download Certificate link in the right column. A PDF will download to your computer.
Where is the downloaded certificate on my computer?
Your UWCNE certificate is a downloadable PDF. When you click on Certificate, the PDF will download to your computer. Windows users, look down at the left corner of your screen for the download link. Mac users, look in your Downloads folder. In some browsers, you will find a download icon in the browser menu area. The icon will have a down arrow image. If you don’t see download icons or links, you can use your computer’s search function to search for the name of the downloaded file. The file name should include the name of the course. If you have trouble finding your downloaded certificate, sort your download folder items by date modified with the most recent on top. Mac users, sometimes items marked last modified “Today” instead of marked with a date will be put at the very bottom of the list.
I registered for an activity and completed it, but I don’t see it on the list.
Check the Activities in Progress You may have forgotten to complete a required quiz or evaluation or were not marked “attended.” You also may have registered for an activity set (multiple activities that are linked by one certificate). If that’s the case, you have to complete all the activities in that set before you can see the download link. Activity sets remain in Activities in Progress until all items are completed. For attendance issues, please call our registration manager at 206-543-1047.
What’s on the certificate?
If you have completed a series of courses in an activity set, all the courses in that set will be listed on the certificate. Only those courses that you complete will have contact hour credit listed after the course title.
How do I get a certificate for pre-2015 activities?
If you can’t find a certificate link for an activity you completed before 2015, please call our registration manager at 206-221-2406. Some certificates will have to be retrieved manually.
How long will certificates stay on this website?
We retain participant records for at least 6 years. You can keep track of other CE you earn by entering it in your transcript at UWCNE. Use the My Activities/External Credits tab for self-reported activities.
Certificate help
Call 206-221-2406 or email